Founder & Naturopathic DoctorDr. Ardeschir (pronounced R-deh-sheer) Mehrabani is a licensed Doctor of Naturopathic Medicine. Dr. Mehrabani spent most of his life in Germany. After high school, he spent two years as a Civil Servant with the Red Cross helping disabled individuals lead more active lives. During that time, he realized the need for comprehensive and integrative healthcare.
In 1995 Ardeschir moved to the United States from Germany to pursue his Doctorate in Naturopathic Medicine. He did his pre-med studies at the University of Arizona in Tucson where he received his B.S. in Biology. In 2000 he moved to Seattle to attend Bastyr University.
During his five years at Bastyr, Ardeschir completed extra training in Primary Care Medicine, studying under two renowned Naturopathic Physicians. While completing his clinical training at the Bastyr Center for Natural Health, he added extra shifts on Saturdays to focus on Physical Medicine and Hydrotherapy. He worked at the Consejo Counseling and Referral Center, a free clinic for the underserved Latino population. Pursuing his interest in Geriatric Medicine, Dr. Mehrabani worked at the Greenwood SeniorCenter, and Providence Marianwood Retirement Community, both free clinics serving Washington Seniors.
Dr. Mehrabani sees patients of all ages and backgrounds and has a particular interest in musculoskeletal complaints, endocrine complaints, male health, cardiovascular and digestive issues as well as mental emotional issues.
Trained by the Pioneer of the Lyfgot Techinique of Neural Prolotherapy (NPT), Dr. Mehrabani enjoys seeing the profound benefits of NPT on a daily basis. He uses NPT to treat joint pain and ligament/tendon issues and other syndromes ranging from Trigeminal Neuralgia to Morton’s Neuroma. Under the link NPT, above, you will find more information about this technique.
For the last six years, Dr. Mehrabani has been a faculty member at the Arizona School of Acupuncture & Oriental Medicine where he currently teaches Laboratory Medicne, Physical Exam & History Taking, Digestion, and Pharmacology & Pharmacognosy; he has also taught Internal Medicine, Homeopathy, and Nutrition. He is their former Faculty Chair and former Chair of the Western Clinical Sciences Department.
Dr Mehrabani is a member of the Arizona Naturopathic Medical Association and the American Association of Naturopathic Physicians. He is a founding Board Member of the Naturopathic Academy of Primary Care Physicians.
Outside of work, Ardeschir enjoys playing with his kids, soccer, tennis, and the guitar.